Almost anything about a homeowners association can stir controversy. Even opening HOA meetings with a prayer, if homeowners who are not religious complain about being subjected to prayers.
A new booklet about HOA communication and PR features prepared statements -- measured words -- for responding to questions about hypothetical issues, including starting meetings with a prayer.
Some of the prepared statements in the booklet, At Least Some PR, are very general, even innocuous, for several reasons. Because often a general response to questions is all that can be said -- at least initially, particularly in response to questions involving complex, emotional issues.
Prepared statements can sometimes buy time when volunteers on the board need to figure out what to do. When they need to touch base with a property manager, legal counsel or someone else who might be able to help. Measured words may be preferable to an unfortunate choice of words said in the heat of the moment.
Prepared statements in the booklet focus on a number of hypothetical, potentially dicey situations, including:
- Homeowners having excessive holiday decorations on homes
- The unauthorized display of flags
- Altering the design -- the architectural footprint -- of homes
- Raising association dues
- Vehicle charging stations
- Drones
- Guest parking restrictions
- Favoritism
- Disputes and altercations gone wild
The booklet boils down HOA communication and PR in a few pages that can be read quickly. The booklet's author retired from a career in corporate PR and crisis communication. He's served a number of years on a homeowners association board. His articles about public opinion and communication have been published in American Banker, Business Insider, PR media and regional newspapers.
At Least Some PR is available through Amazon Books.
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