That's four trillion -- with a T -- gallons of water raining down on our state over the next few days brought to us by a Spring storm stretching thousands of miles over the ocean heading our way. With new roofs, gutters and downspouts on our homes brought to us a few years ago through our HOA's strategic planning and reserve funding dollars, plus ongoing, scheduled maintenance to clear Fall/Winter leaves and other debris from the gutters and downspouts on our homes, what's a few trillion gallons of water? Now that's good HOA news!
If you're serving on a homeowners association board and you are laser-focused on prudent spending of association funds and you are working diligently to keep your HOA's budget on track, maybe what you're seeing right now in government is driving you up the wall? With people at high levels in government spending all that money on office furniture, special doors, travel and all the rest! C'mon!! It must be tough seeing that sort of thing when you're committed to prudent financial oversight at your HOA. When every penny counts.